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Removing the filename from the Lightbox

edited August 2014 in Hypershot Posts: 4
When clicking an image Hypershot always displays the current filename above the page info (Image X of Y) for Albums.
My filenames are usually something along the lines of: IMG_4064 which is not helpful at all.
I know I can change the title of the image, but doing this for every image is annoying.

I think I could find the place to remove this, but then updating the theme could become a problem.

I see two solutions to this: Make this configurable per Album and or allow advanced users to maybe define a regex that registers their Cameras file numbering scheme ( in my case /0Z[A-Z0-9]+|IMG_[0-9]+/ would match both my cameras) and only displays the media title if it doesn't match the Regular expression

greetings Daniel


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