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Warning - directory /public_html/wp-content/themes/fatmoon/user is not writable.

Hi, please help.

I have this warning on dashboard after activated the theme:
"Warning - directory /public_html/wp-content/themes/fatmoon/user is not writable."

Also following error when I tried to import the demo:
"/public_html/wp-content/themes/fatmoon/demo_data/revo - this folder has incorrect permissions set, the script is unable to write a file into it. Import stopped - please contact your hosting admin or Apollo13 support team."



  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Hello there:-)

    You have to log into your FTP and give mentioned directories write access. You can try to give them rights 755, and if that won't work then 777.

    With kind regards.
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