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Can I disable / change the logo link (when someone clicks on it?)

Hey! Quick question. Is there any way to make it so when someone clicks on the logo nothing happens. Right now it's a link for the main page. Is there any way I can disable or change that link? Thanks so much!


  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Hello there:-)

    If you need it you can edit source code. Go to starter\advance\utilities\header.php line ~61
    $html .= '<a class="'.esc_attr('logo image-logo '.$variant.'-logo'.($color_variant === $variant? '' : ' hidden-logo')).'" href="' . esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ) . '" rel="home">';
    Change href attribute in this code. You can change it to href=""

    With kind regards.
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