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Adding a digital purchase link to gallery view

I am interested setting up stock photo digital downloads (most likely with the Easy Digital Downloads plugin). The workflow would be that from a specific gallery, this could be enabled, and a "purchase" or shopping cart link would be added to the gallery view. This button would lead to a purchase page with multiple image size options.

I understand that this functionality does not come standard with the theme; however, I think that customizing the theme will be my easiest route to accomplish it. Can you work with me to give me a quote on how much it would cost to develop this?


  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Hello :-)

    If you ask would we do such customization, then unfortunately not - not enough hands to work on it.

    About how much it would cost you will have to talk with developer that could do it, for example wpkraken

    However maybe you could just use custom link on each photo that would lead to buy page on clicking?

    With kind regards.
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