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"Back to Portfolio" wording change

edited January 2013 in Skyfashion Posts: 4
Is there anyway to change the wording from "Back to Portfolio" to "Back to Collection"? This is shown when your viewing a portfolio collection. Any help or direction would be awesome. Thanks
Screen Shot 2013-01-14 at 12.44.27 AM.png
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  • Hi,
    to change it you need to edit /advance/apollo13.php file.
    This is in 2004 line.

  • Posts: 1
    where is it thesedays? I would like to change it also but it looks like you've modified the php file!!
  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970

    Yes, files tends to change when themes are updated. Just do search in same file for this string and you would find it right away. Right now it is line 2089 & 2092
    if (defined('PORTFOLIO_PAGE') && PORTFOLIO_PAGE) {
                $href = site_url() . '?page_id=' . get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_portfolio_page', true);
                $title = __('Back to portfolio', TPL_SLUG);
            } else {
                $href = site_url() . '?page_id=' . get_option('page_for_posts');
                $title = __('Back to portfolio', TPL_SLUG);
    With kind regards.
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