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Custom Preloader

Hi there team,

Just wanted to thank you guys for the quick responses for the previous issues / questions i had so far.

I was wondering whether i would be able to insert a custom preloader (.gif) into the preloader customization menu?

Thank you!


  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Hey :-)

    I wouldn't recommend it, as GIF preloader could not load as fast to be useful, at least at the first visit. Current animation, are CSS animations, so they are pretty small.

    However, I think you could do such trick:
    1. In Appearance → Customize → General settings → Page preloader set Type to none.
    2. Set your background color for preloader.
    3. Upload your GIF animation Background image.

    I have just tested it, and it works sweet.

    With kind regards.
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