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why not fixed browser doctype?

edited January 2015 in Blame Posts: 13
i working use Blame Theme.
that is awesome!
thank you for providing that theme.
but i have a one problem.
that is very important issue for korean users.
so many people still using IE8.

when i enter first time on my site.
IE8 browser doc type is not fixed.

so my site is broken. even your demo site broken too.

my client computer is window xp on service pack 3 and service pack 2.
you wrote on themeforest site. "you support IE8 as perfectly".
but is not perfect on window xp.

actually i told you that issue so many time.
but not solve that issue.
please one more check.
so i attached file about that issue.
please check file.
and i really need solution.
please tell me about solution.
thank you for helping me.
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