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Double Titles

My site is showing double TITLE tags on all pages and posts. As first, I thought it was a plugin I installed called OptimizePress but their support emailed this

"We've done some testing here with our team and our own installs and cannot replicate this. Upon further investigation, it seems that your WordPress Theme "Superior Theme" is causing this issue - when we turned that off for a few seconds to test (we know it's a live site so we did not do this for long) - we found the issue stops

We tried to find some SEO options within the theme settings to see if we could stop this but unfortunately there isn't any options there.

I'm not sure how critical to your site your theme is, perhaps you could contact the theme author and ask them if they are rendering any specific SEO options and if they have an option to turn this off to stop it rendering in our LiveEditor pages."

So, do you know why I would showing duplicate titles?


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