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Footer Widget Area Error

edited March 2013 in Skyfashion Posts: 36

I'm having the same issue that was previously addressed with a new website I'm creating:

3) Footer Widget Area: the footer widget area (div#footer div.widget-area) doesn't align properly with the rest of the content. The horizontal lines are not lined up with the rest of the lines above, it's pushed more to the right

I have e-mailed my login info to you. Could you please help me get this resolved as soon as possible?
Also, could you let me know how to fix this issue so next time I can do it on my own?

Thank you so much!


  • Never mind, fixed this
  • Hi,
    sorry for late response. We had no working days in Poland from 29.

    Good to hear you make it right. If you still have any question please ask.

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