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Failed to upload the theme

edited December 2011 in Airlock Posts: 4
I'd like to walk them up properly the subject, and tried it on FTP, but not in the area of issues for active and follow him here, airlock / #! / installation
So and tried by the Cpanel, in fact I have reviewed the concerns of people who have taken the same problem. And I get the following messages.

Broken Themes

The Following themes are installed But incomplete. Themes Must Have a stylesheet and a template.

Name Description
Airborn Stylesheet is missing.
Airlock Stylesheet is missing.

I hope I can help solve this problem.

Captura de pantalla 2011-12-29 a las 9.24.24.png
1280 x 800 - 310K
Captura de pantalla 2011-12-29 a las 9.21.53.png
1280 x 800 - 354K


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