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Blurry Youtube thumb

edited June 2013 in Beach Please Posts: 10
We have a problem with the initial picture/thumbnail of an embedded Youtube video in the full width slider being blurry/pixelated/low res.

The original video is in 720p, but it seems that the embed loads the video in a lower resolution, until you press play. And after you've played it in 720p, and then go back to the page with the embed - the thumnail is shown in full resolution and is not pixelated.

It seems that the full resolution thumbnail is cached for a while, but only AFTER you player the video for the first time in 720p. The problem is that it looks quite crap the first time a person visits the page, if the video thumb is shown in low res.

I've tried to experiment with increasing the slider height to 720 pixels and above, and adding various variables to the youtube url (&vq=hd720 and &hd=1) - but it doesn't really seem to fix the problem. I've read a lot about it on the web, and I can't figure out whether it's a problem with Youtube itself, or a problem with the embed code in the Beach Please theme.

Any thoughts?

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