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Childtheme for skyfashion version 2.1

edited July 2013 in Skyfashion Posts: 2
I bought Skyfashion a few days ago and is currently. started making a child theme, or at least I try. (I work local on my computer)

I have created a new subfolder with the necessary information in a style.css:
/ *
Theme Name: Skovbjerg brandt
Theme URI:
Description: This is Skovbjerg brandt, a child theme for skyfashion.
Author: Heidi Skovbjerg Brandt
Template: skyfashion
  You must have both themes: skyfashion & Skovbjerg brandt in wp_content / theme / folder for it to work
* /

It should overwrite all all style settings so I can change styles. But it do not work. I have imported the stylesheet from Skyfashion but nothing seems to work.

Code for import:
@ import url (".. / skyfashion / style.css");
I have tried with different style sheets from the subdirectory common. Wordpress shows my childtheme in backend, but nothing regaring styles or stylechanges in my css.

I have read all sorts of threads to find an answer but no luck. I hope some one out there can help me, so I can get on with my work.



  • Posts: 493

    We don't recommend to create child theme on skyfashion, because it can create problems i future. If you want to change some code, i recommend to copy all files and work on the copy.

    With regards
  • Posts: 2
    Hi Argone
    Thank you for the answer.
    :) Best Heidi
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