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Help with column widths

edited February 2012 in Airlock Posts: 1
With the fixed 960px width, I only get 2 columns, while I would like to have 3 columns.
I've tried modifying everything, from elastic css widths to widgets.php, but I can't get it to work. At best, I get 4 columns without any spacing between them, even when the margin width is specified and should only allow for 3 columns.
I simply need the ".elastic .item" css to be 260px instead of 295px, but that still only gets me 2 columns.
Please help!
Thank you.


  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Sorry for late answer, i have deadly deadline project ATM.

    I don't know if I get you right, but try editing airlock/common/js/scripts.js ~205 and there property of columnWidth(or other few lines lower).

    if($('.posts-elastic .item').length){
    $container = $('.posts-elastic');
    itemSelector : '.item',
    columnWidth : 315,
    With regards.
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