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Several issues installing theme

edited January 2014 in Beach Please Posts: 8

I'm finding the documentation on this theme a little confusing, and lacking in proper explanations. I've listed a few problems I'm having:

1. How do I create sub-text under the navigation titles?

2. How do I add icons to navigation titles? On the documentation, it refers to font awesome, but I have no idea what do do with this information. What setting do I change to enable icons on the menu items?

3. Revolution slider seems mostly broken for me. I'm trying to get it to work like the one on the Light Theme version of your demo, but it just doesn't work. Is there any way you'd be able to supply the slider as part of an importable demo content? When I try to make mine full width, it just cuts the entire slider background in half, and only displays it on the left side. I've attached a screenshot of what I mean. How do I make the slider full width, and how can I make it so that the background isn't cut in half like the screenshot?

Thanks in advance for the help

Screen Shot 2014-01-18 at 12.10.42.png
2068 x 1055 - 950K


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