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Youtube rel=0

Hi guys,

I'm in the middle of creating my home page and we have a YouTube video that we'd like to show, but we don't want to show the related videos at the end of it. I can't figure out how to turn that off, or even if there's a way to do so. Can you help me out with this? for reference

- David


  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Hello :-)

    That is great idea. We will add it in next version.
    To do it now go to photon-a13\js\a13-slider.js line ~971 find there such code

    current.player = new YT.Player(elem.get(0), {
    height: height,
    width: width,
    videoId: vid_id,
    playerVars : {wmode: 'transparent'},
    and change last line to
    playerVars : {wmode: 'transparent', rel: 0},
    With kind regards.
  • Awesome, thanks. While you're at it, you could add the ability to force the embed to be a specific resolution by using the variables VQ: 'HD1080' or VQ: 'HD720' ;-)
  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Thanks for tip, added!

    With kind regards.
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