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While viewing gallery on google android phone, galaxy s5, backspace exits website not gallery

edited August 2015 in Photon Posts: 29
If i'm browsing my website using your template, and I open a gallery up and view it, swipe through, picture by picture, and then I hit the backspace button on the front of my phone itself, it exits back through browser and closes website completely. Backspace should just close the gallery that is open and bring you back to the album you are in. Another backspace to exit the website at this point would make sense. Is there a way to fix this? This is very big issue with your template being 'responsive to all devices.' Because if you are on a computer and you hit the back button on the browser, it exits the gallery back to the original album, so a phone should act similarly. Thank you.
Post edited by zenpanda on


  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Hello again and again and again

    When I will get to some android device I will take a look.
    zenpanda said: Because if you are on a computer and you hit the back button on the browser, it exits the gallery back to the original album
    What? How you separate gallery from original album? I though it is all the same. Can you show live link to album where this behaviour occurs? Maybe then I will understand what is going on.
    zenpanda said: This is very big issue with your template being 'responsive to all devices.
    Responsive In case of layout my dear:-)

    With kind regards.
  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    OK, we have looked at your site, and I think I know what is your issue.

    On your main page you have set single album. When you click on some photo then lightbox opens, not new page. So clicking backspace will take you back to previous page as it naturally does(whatever page you have visited before yours). It works as designed, you just seem confused about what you see.

    So you have close lightbox with "X" as this is opened on same page:-)

    And backspace in same scenario on PC also takes you to previous page, not to "original album".

    With kind regards.
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