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Some pics coming up massive and sometimes half off the screen.

edited October 2012 in Spaceship Posts: 26
Spaceshiptheme 1.3
Wordpress version 3.4.2
Plugins attached

I have been having this problem off and on for a while now i thought it might be the pic size but I have made all the pics exactly the same size as the demo and it still happens. Its not always the same pic and it does a few different things. It sometimes stretches the pics and some times they drop off the bottom as seen in the screengrabs attached. Can you help please as I need to distribute this site asap.

Picture 7.png
851 x 567 - 104K
Picture 5.png
1024 x 768 - 354K
Picture 6.png
1024 x 768 - 639K
Post edited by Jon23 on


  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970

    What browser you experience this issue?
    I just checked your site(in FireFox), and I could notice similar behaviour, but only while image is still loading and right after it is fully loaded it fits its self as it should. In your case image remained 'broken'?

    With regards.
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