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Category blog post

edited February 2013 in Hypershot Posts: 38
Hey again,

I want to remove the 'category' display from the blog posts, just like the author here:

I tried modifying utilities.php but I can't seem to remove the category link..

Any advice?




  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970

    Mentioned topic removed author info:-)
    Maybe just don't use categories then?
    What you tried to edit?
    Here you have sample how should look function when removing tags!/modification_of_theme_changing_theme_functions
    Categories is the same but inverse:-)

    With regards.
  • Posts: 38
    Hey, thanks for the reply.
    I tried messing with this in utilities.php (I don't have a child theme), but I keep getting php errors..

    * Post info: categories, tags, comments, edit
    function a13_post_info() {
    $tags = '';
    $tag_list = get_the_tag_list( __fe('Tags' ).': ', ', ' );
    if ( $tag_list ) {
    $tags = ''.$tag_list.'';

    <?php _fe('Category' ); ?>: <?php a13_posted_in( ', ' ); ?>
    <?php echo $tags; ?>
    <?php echo ' <span class="comments">' . sprintf(__fe( '%d Comment(s)' ), get_comments_number()) . ''; ?>
    <?php edit_post_link( __fe( 'Edit' ) ); ?>


    Any advice on which part of the code I have to remove..? :D
  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970

    O man, it is written in English :-) I know not everyone have to be coder, but you could make some experiments, it would be fun ;-) You delete just one line

        function a13_post_info() {
            $tags = '';
            $tag_list = get_the_tag_list( __fe('Tags' ).': ', ', ' );
            if ( $tag_list ) {
                $tags = '<span class="tags">'.$tag_list.'</span>';
        <div class="post-info">
            <?php echo $tags; ?>
            <?php echo ' <span class="comments"><a href="' . get_comments_link() . '" title="' . sprintf(__fe( '%d Comment(s)' ), get_comments_number()) . '">' . sprintf(__fe( '%d Comment(s)' ), get_comments_number()) . '</a></span>'; ?>
            <?php edit_post_link( __fe( 'Edit' ) ); ?>

    With regards.

  • Posts: 38
    Haha, you're right.. I did try it though, but I got php errors.. But I didn't try hard enough ;)
    Thanks for your help though, works like a charm!
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