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Album set as front page overwrites title tags

edited February 2013 in Skyfashion Posts: 23

On my site I have set the front page to be an Album called 'Portfolio'. Problem is, the title tag for the album is used as the site title.

How can I have the front page display the album but have a different title tag to that when the actual album is linked to?

For example, I want 'Joshua McGhie - Photographer' as the title tag for the homepage which displays the album, but 'Portfolio' when the album is displayed in its native url (not the homepage url).

Hope this makes sense :)


  • Hi,
    Massive apologize for long response. I missed your message. Do you still have this problem and need help? Please let me know.

    Great apologize again.

  • Yes I still have this problem and need help.

    Check out my site and you will see the problem. The title tag should be different on the front page (which is showing the portfolio) to the portfolio link itself. But they use the same tag.

    How to fix?
  • Hi,
    I was thinking you change template.

    The template You use right now is Hypershot. This is Skyfashion support.
    I can not move your topic to the right section. Can you create the same new topic in the Hypershot category? You will get quick answer.

    Massive apologies for inconvenient.

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