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Pictures shrink on iPad and when the screen in reduced

edited March 2013 in Skyfashion Posts: 1
Hi !

First i'd like to say thank you for building such a great theme ! Wonderful.

Now i have been uploading photos and videos on the website and they look perfect on a computer but when the window is reduced like on an iPad all photos and videos get shrinked except for the logo, and portfolio.

Here are my problems:

- I have been uploading photos than are 940 pixels width so that it takes the whole page but i would like them to reduce accordingly with the height. Is there a way to put that code in there?
Same thing happened when i uploaded a picture 470 pixels width in a 50% column. The text column looks good while reducing the window but ony the picture's width gets reduced.

- Videos from youtube are also 940pixels width so they look big on full screen but on the iPad the video stays full(takes whole width of the ipad) but for some reason the menu in smaller.

I have attached screen shots from both reduced window on computer and iPad.
You can see how the menu is smaller than the full width youtube video. You can also notice how the picture is shrinked.

I hope someone can help me resolve this.

thank you,

website :
Skyfashion version 1.6 Wordpress 3.5.1
1023 x 674 - 247K
399 x 718 - 224K
897 x 744 - 309K


  • Hi,
    first of all, thank you very much for kind words :)

    Can you send me your username and password at I will check your posts.

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