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Visual composer 1/5 columns

Hi want to create a 5 columns row, within every col an image... the problem is that if the page has enought space the columns are correctly spaced BUT, when the user reduces the browser page width the images overlap one each other... i expected the images would reduce his width due to responsiveness ... but no... you can see the problem in AA.jpg and BB.jpg attached images...



  • Posts: 1,758
    Please provide an url to your website.
    Remember to rate our theme if you like it ;)
    All the Best.
  • Posts: 1,758
    When You use 'Single Image' shortcode to display image please enter the image size correctly - '100%' is not valid, use 'full' instead.

    The row with blue images - I've cloned it so the second one is created by me. Look at differences. The second one has internal row divided into three columns, but the firs one has no internal row.
    Use this schema if You don't want to have full width content.

    You can also try to use 'Image carousel' to display several images in one row, and I think this is better approach especially for smaller devices when the page goes into mobile layout.
    Remember to rate our theme if you like it ;)
    All the Best.
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