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2 footer lines in Safari and IE

edited January 2013 in Skyfashion Posts: 5
Hello there,

I recently finished a website with the sky fashion theme. Now, I've noticed that I got 2 footer lines instead of just one (in safari and IE). In Firefox everything is just fine but not in Safari and Interner Explorer.

How do I get rid of the extra line? I only want one.

Screenshots provided: 1 firefox (1 line), 2 Safari (2 lines)

Link to the website:

Thanks in advance!


  • I've deleted line 13 in footer.php

  • < div id="footer_nav" class="menu_line_top border_bottom no_content_font" >

    This line..
  • Hi,
    have you delete whole line?

    Please try delete only menu_line_top class from this line. It should help.
    Please let me know.

  • Extra line is still visible in safari or IE.

    Did notice that the bottom line went from red to grey.
  • I've now deleted that line you mentioned. But this time from the primary widget area in the php file. This worked!

    Thanks, Solved
  • Good to hear it.

    Thanks for information.

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