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Changing page background

edited February 2012 in Airlock Posts: 3
Hello! We launched a blog beta based on your theme at, and did some customization (like adding fixed block post box height, clickable excerpts etc.), but I still can't figure our one thing: how i can I change the background of a content area of a single page? The easiest solution I've found so far is using QuickStyle background plugin (, which allows the usage of shortcodes such as [quickstyle_background div='content' style='url("") #ff0'], which is perfect except for "content" div colors the area outside of what I actually need. Could you help with that? Thanks in advance.

Oh and, though you position your theme as portfolio it actually works wonders as a music blog solution, so thumbs up.


  • AirAir
    Posts: 10,970
    Hi there.

    If I get you right then fix is simple. Add such style to your CSS: #content{
    background-color: #FFFF00;
    With regards.
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