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  • Hi Daniel! Thanks a lot! Your work inspired me to do something a bit different, so I'm actually pretty satisfied right now. The guide provided by Air and your different designs on certainly gave me a few ideas as well. I had no idea h…
  • No worries at all! And thanks a lot for that guide, I will definitely try some of those things out!
  • Hi Air, This is the page I'm working on: The white box should not be in the top of the page. Additionally, I would like the image in the backgrund to move downwards as I scroll down on the page. Essentially, I just w…
  • That worked. Appreciate the help as always. Happy Easter
  • Air said: Currently there is no option to display bricks album outside album or work. This will be added in one of upcoming versions. So currently - not possible. Ok, that's fair. However, I still cannot get to …
  • I'm convinced you worked some magic I just checked it today and suddenly it was just working. Thanks a lot for the help! I'll be back shortly with some other unrelated difficulties I ran in to. Sorry in advance!
  • Hey Air, Thanks, that fixed it! I'm still having an issue with the whitebox above the rev slider. I've attached a screenshot. Is this related to the theme or the slider? Previously Daniel and I worked it out with an Elementor setting, but that …
  • Hey again Air, I found the problem, however I don't know how to solve it. The site functions perfectly fine until I add the album to the page I use this line of code: [a13fe-scroller id="10589" autoplay="0" window_high="0" effect="blur" thumbs="…
  • Hi Air, I asked the Revolution Slider developers too. They seem to think it's an issue with the theme itself. When creating a new page and using the same slider, it works fine. You can see that here: I'm thinking…
  • Hi Air, With only Apollo13 Framework Extensions and Slider Revolution activated it still happens. I can't disable these two as they mess with the design. What's the next step here?
  • Hi Air, I'm having issues creating the scroller with the same effects as you guys have on yours. (it's in the bottom) It initially looks OK, but when you click on an image, it doesn't open in fullscreen. When you clo…
  • Hey Air, 1. 2. Google Chrome Version 65.0.3325.146
  • Hey Daniel, That fixed it! Thank you guys so much :-) I'm learning a lot here, so hopefully I'll ask less stupid questions in the future Wish you guys a great weekend, Erik
  • Hey Air, I'm afraid I didn't solve it :-( It's on this page: My guess is that elementor puts a space up there when you start off with a rev slider. I'm not sure how to approach that issue. The footer CSS…
  • Whoops, seems like I spoke too soon! It's just a small thing really - but there's a couple of pixels at the top of the page now. I think it has something to do with the revolution slider being the first thing on the page. I've attached a picture o…
  • Hey Air, I got it all to work with the elementor :-) Appreciate it! You guys are awesome
  • Hey Air, Thanks for the fast reply. When I do that, the content above the scroller also becomes full width. How can I avoid this? Additionally, when making the page full width, the scroller becomes full screen, even when window_high="0" is set. …
  • Hi Air! Appreciate the fast response I got the colors to work, so that's perfect! I can't quite get the menu overlay to work the way I want it, though. I see what you mean by the "Hide Content under header" feature, but it's not overlapping it l…
  • Hi Daniel! Yes, that's pretty close to what we imagined - no title and description over the video, though (or maybe, if it can just be hidden). Also, in the second slide, would it be possible to use the uncover feature for the 3 images? If the hor…
  • Daniel said: Please send me the name of this slider and ill try to do something with this Hi Daniel, thanks for taking the time I haven't found the one yet, but I did find some that could work with some tweaking (hopefully) Option 1: https:…
  • Air said: Next you can add those 3 albums to your page with post list shortcode - I think the problem with this approach is that we cannot display the albums the way we want them to. Let me try to explain - what we originally pictured was to have…
  • Hey Air, Air said: Plugin can be installed with theme, see this If you don't see notice mentioned in documentation go to Appearance → Install Plugins I got it installed.…
  • Hey again, Right now, I've tried to add a fullscreen video as the main element on the front page. Below it I would like to add a fullsize album (the uncover one found at %domain%/album/uncover/). How can I do this?
  • I'm still fairly new to this. Where can I find the "Revolution Slider"? I cannot find it under plugins or anywhere really. To add it to the front page, should I edit the "Home" page under "Pages", or should I be doing it under customize.php? Chee…
  • Thanks for the fast and informative reply! Is it possible to combine two albums on the front page? We would love to have a website that cannot scroll vertical on the first page (so there's only the fullscreen gallery). Currently we've added the vi…
  • Additionally, is it possible to have a video in the album as the first item? Have that video play, and once it's done, you can scroll/use the arrows on the sides, so make the site go horizontal. For the record, I've just started using the theme. I …

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